Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy Meal Picnic....

Me and My Little Darlin' had a McDonalds Happy Meal Picnic this afternoon...just the two of us...and it was great fun. After a short errand to the bank she told me "Mommy, my tummy hurts for a hamburger!" I about died laughing...and after that I couldn’t deny her a hamburger happy meal from her favorite place. While we she was eating, I managed to trick her into a short little photo shoot. What can I say…I never tire of taking pictures of this little girl of mine!

Say Cheeze...

Big Bite...

Jolea LOVES drinking from her own Big Girl Cup...

What kinda face is that kid...

Where's the toy...and the cookies?

Silly Girl...

Striking a pose...

Mommy and Jolea...I do love her to pieces :-)

Thanks for our sweet date Jolea Dru Ward...your Mama sure does LOVE you!!!

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