Friday, March 19, 2010

Introducing the Night Night Fairy...

I knew it would eventually happen...and it has! My 2 year old is insisting on sleeping in the bed with Mommy and Daddy. Ugh! For those of you who know me "well" you know that this has been my number one rule, the "Im Never" scenario. Well..Well..."Im Never" has turned into "Whatever Works!" I have no idea why this started but it has, and its been HARD on her and us. When we put her to bed she usually goes down without any problems. We say our prayers...give our about going to Grammy's house or going to school in the morning when she wakes...then Voila...its lights out. Hmm...not so much anymore. She goes down okay (sometimes) and then in the middle of the night...sometimes midnight...sometimes 3:00...sometimes 1:00...she wakes up screaming and insisting that we come to her rescue. She is usually satisfied if one of us crawl into bed with her but of course her ideal situation is ending up nestled right between her daddy and me in our bed. I know that allowing this to continue will only make it a very hard habit to break. Allow me to introduce you to The Night Night Fairy.

If  there can be a Fairy that goes around collecting little teeth...there can be a Fairy that goes around rewarding little 2 year old girls who sleep through the whole their own bed. This Momma headed straight to the Dollar Tree and she bought up enough crap to supply a small army...some of it was even we are both winners in that department.

Night Night Fairy Loot

Then this Momma wrapped them individually to be handed out EACH night her small child sleeps through the night in her own bed. Yes this could become an expensive game to play…but when the price is being paid by a sleep deprived Momma…money is NO ISSUE.

Night Night Fairy Loot in pretty packages...

The Night Night Fairy made her debut on Wednesday…and so far we have had 2 successful nights. Jolea loves waking up to a present in her basket...and hey...WHATEVER WORKS...sounds good to me. I did find it rather humorous when she woke up from her nap yesterday, walked over to her basket...looked inside...saw nothing...and threw up her hands with a puzzled look on her face, wondering why the fairy didn’t come after nap time? Silly Kid...that's why she is called The Night Night Fairy...she can’t afford nap times too :)

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