Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Great Weekend...

I just love it when we have awesome weekends together! This weekend was one of those weekends for sure. The "Magic Bars" worked on Thursday...and the Bearcats won Friday night 38-0! Andy's youngest brother Jan called me and had set a plan into motion to drive to Ranger from Ft. Worth and watch the game. I'm usually not that great as a "secret" keeper, but I didn't say a word and I think Andy was pleasantly surprised to see Jan and his Dad at the game. It's too bad that they couldn't have more time to visit and catch up...I guess that will have to wait till after the season is over.

I always feel bad for a team (which has been us many of times) that is losing that badly. Its sad...Andy said the entire second team was they didn't have much choice. There always has to be a winner and a loser...but Saturday morning after a big loss is no fun...and I know I have been there and done that. Anyhow, they came away with the victory and I was really happy about that. I feel like I only blog about the games we win...and when I think about it...I'd rather keep it that way because a loss is hard enough as it is around here...lets just stick to the good stories...right?
We decided to head out to the balloon fest on Saturday evening...let me tell you...the whole town was there. I have lived in Abilene all my life...and I cant ever remember going to the balloon fest until this year. There were so many people was so crowded...I was a complete dork-o and wore flip flops...and the kids were so wild in the play area...there is no way Jolea was going in there. We got arrived just in the nick of time to catch about 3 balloons lift off (which was by far the most exciting thing for Jolea) but after that...we were fairly unimpressed. (I sound kinda grumpy don't I...but really it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be) Maybe when Jolea is old enough to walk around and not be confined to the stroller we will all have a better time. Here are a few pictures that Jolea let me take before we left...

Look at those chunky legs :)

Daddy and his sweet girl...she LOVES it when he does this...

Bren and James...

The lines to eat were outrageous so we decided to head to TaMolly's with my cousin Bren and her boyfriend James. I need to remind you...we boycotted eating out about 3 months ago because our little princess can rarely make it thru the ordering process before she hits grumpy, and we got tired of dealing with that. So...we braved it last night for the first time in a long time...and she was so GOOD...and I was so PROUD of her. She is the funniest kid...she LOVES hot sauce! What 2 year old eats hot sauce? I never intended on her to eat it or like it, but she gets down right mad when chips and salsa are on the table and she doesn't get any...its hilarious. She sat there like a big girl the whole time...waving to people and "Thanking" the waitress every time she came to the table. What a sweet girl! We took lots of pictures...just being silly I guess.
Me and My Sweet Girl


Mommy and Daddy

This is another busy busy week for us. My babysitter is relaxing on the beach somewhere in Mexico, so I have really had to make ends meet in terms of babysitting. A special THANKS in advance to my Aunt Debbie, Bren and James, Mema and Pepa and Sheila and Noel...for helping me out this week...without you guys I would be in a heap of trouble. Luckily its Andy's off-week so he will have a lot of work, but not as much as usual...and that's a big blessing too.

The big Dittos for Kiddos sale starts this week...and since I am a shopping starts early on Wednesday! I'm excited...when I dropped my things off today I saw several things that will have to find their way into my shopping cart :)

I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend and I hope this week BLESSES you too!

1 comment:

Shanan said...

Congratulations on your win!!! I am like you, I only like to blog when we win...if we lose, I want to crawl in a hole. :)

I had to laugh because I remember the days when we had to "stop" going out to eat with our girls. They each went through a stage where we could not take them out in public because of the scene they would make! I will never forget the first time my oldest got better and stop whining. (she was two) We ordered nachos with the jalepenos on the side, and my husband and I were so thrilled to be out with "talking" with friends that we weren't paying attention and she ate A LOT of the jalepenos!! It was AWFUl!!! Anyway, I know how good it is to be able to take a little one out to eat again! :)

I hope you have a good week!