Monday, March 23, 2009

I Cant Believe My Baby is 17 Months Old Today...

It seems like I start all of my blogs off the exact same way...talking about how fast the time flies. Well tonight is no different. I cannot believe that my sweet little angel baby is 17 months old today.

Its hard to believe! She is getting so much bigger and she is changing so much. She is actually turning into her own little person. I even just "love" her dramatic hissy fits which have reared their ugly head over the past month. When she doesn't get her way, she will bend her knees and put her head down (maybe headbutting something) on to the ground. It's so dramatic. (I have video...if anyone would like me to post it...ha ha ha)

Her vocabulary has grown alot, but I still worry it isn't a big as it should be. She now tries to put her "t's" at the end of words. One of her favorite words is "bite" with the "t" at the end. She also loves "uh oh." She loves kisses and is usually willing to give us kisses, but when she isn't in the mood she just turns away as if she wants nothing to do with us.

Jolea loves to be outside! LOVES IT! Even when she's tired or hungry, she has a complete meltdown when we take her back inside. It doesn't matter if she has been out for 3 hours! She hates going inside!

There are so many things I could go on and on about! I snapped these sweet pictures last night as I watched my baby girl "snoozing" away. She was so peaceful and so "sprawled" out. I cant wait to see what is in store with the next 17 months, but I am trying to hold on to these moments as tight as I can


1 comment:

ajphillips said...

Time does fly, but Jolea sure is a cutie!